Describes the schema (field names and data types) of a table query source or result table.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SchemaFieldsQueryOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The fields in this table.
No Additional ItemsDescribes a single field in the source data.
An array of these objects forms the response body for the /schema/fields endpoint.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SchemaField'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The name of the output field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
The data type of the field.
The granularity of the field. The smallest increment that the field can model. Relevant to number fields (e.g. 1 for integer fields, 0.1 for precision to 1dp) and date fields (the number of milliseconds e.g. 3600000 for precision to 1 hour).
Example: 123.45
Formatting options for the field.
Describes a numeric values should be formatted for a field
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.NumericFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
If true the numeric values should be rendered as a percentage.
Example: true
If true, thousand separator should be visible, false it should not be visible
Example: true
If present specifies the number of decimal places to be shown
Example: 123.45
If present a prefix to be displayed before the numeric value
If present a suffix to be displayed after the numeric value (before the % sign, if relevant)
Describes how date values should be formatted
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DateFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Specifies the pattern on how the date value should be formatted. e.g, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
Describes a how field should be formatted when displayed
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DateRangeFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: true
Optional extended metadata
No Additional PropertiesDiagnostics associated with a query api request
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableQueryDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableQueryVertexDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
No Additional Properties<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableQueryVertexDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Same definition as queryVertexDiagnosticsDescribes the schema (field names and data types) of a table query source or result table.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SchemaFieldsQueryOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.AdditionalDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
An identifier for the query used to track diagnostics on the server side
If the query has been executed as part of a composite query, it's the queryTag of the composite query. Null otherwise.
For example, the parentQueryTag of a table api request executed as part of a Batch request, would be the queryTag
of the batch query.
A brief description of why the query was executed
If the QueryNode is editable in the implementation.
This refers to 'structural editability' and does not include editing permissions.
In other words this would true if the source of the query support editing, and each operation
also allows for editing. If this is true, and EditAgainst query could be submitted with the query as input
Example: true
Describes a single field in the source data.
An array of these objects forms the response body for the /schema/fields endpoint.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SchemaField'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Request body for the /table endpoints. Field order in output will be identical to 'fields' if specified, otherwise respective to 'groupings' then 'measures'.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SimpleQuery'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Relevant for a 'raw' table query. The list of fields to retrieve
Aliases: field
Relevant for a 'grouped' table query. The list of groupings to apply to the data, zero/missing meaning roll-up to a single record.
Aliases: grouping
Describes a single level/tier of grouping, similar an SQL GROUP BY condition or Omniscope "Bar" view's 'Split' option.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Grouping'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The name of the input field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
Aliases: field
The method for bucketing/grouping the data. UNIQUE_VALUES is comparable to GROUP BY in SQL.
Relevant when #type is HISTOGRAM and #inputField is a date type.
If the input field has some formatting options, these will be amended to drop no longer significant sections.
If the input field does not have formatting options, a new date formatting will be introduced with pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'
dropped to the unit specified.
For example, if the input field does not have a formatting and we are grouping by hour, the
output field will have a date formatting options with pattern dd/MM/yyyy HH
Required when #type is HISTOGRAM. The width of each histogram interval. For DATE fields, must be integer and also factors of 60 (for minutes/seconds), 24 (hours), 12 (months), precisely 1 (days), or any integer (years).
Example: 123.45
Relevant and mandatory when #type is SEQUENCE. The list of configurations that this grouping is a sequence of. Can contain either exclusively Measures or exclusively Groupings, not a mix.
No Additional ItemsDescribes how to roll up numeric/date data, thereby producing an additional aggregated column in the output.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Measure'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The name of the output field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
If left unspecified a default name will be assigned as the name of the input field followed by the name of the function between parenthesis. It is a good practice to not, rely on this automatic name generation but use an explicit name where necessary
Relevant when #function is a field-specific function such as SUM, MIN, MEAN. The name of the input field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
Aliases: field
Relevant when #function is {@link MeasureFunction#MEAN} to specify a weighted mean.
The aggregation function to roll up a series of values.
Must be populated if and only if the function is PERCENTILE. If populated its value must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
+The result of the measure will be the value of the field below which a this percentage of values will fall.
For example, if set to 20, the result of the measure will be the value below which 20% of the field values are found
Example: 123.45
Relevant (but optional) when #function is CONTEXTUALFROMSEQUENCE. Uniquely identifies the SEQUENCE measure which this measure reflects contextually; matches #id in the grouping of type SEQUENCE.Not needed if there is only one SEQUENCE-of-measures.
Example: 123.45
Relevant when #function is FORMULA only. The formula itself, such as SUBSET_SUM([a]) / SUBSET_MEAN([b])
Example: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.MeasureLabelOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
No Additional PropertiesExample: true
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=CustomViewApi.TextStyle'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
No Additional PropertiesExample: 123.45
Example: true
Example: true
Example: true
Example: true
Describes a numeric values should be formatted for a field
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.NumericFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Describes how date values should be formatted
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DateFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Describes a single level/tier of grouping, similar an SQL GROUP BY condition or Omniscope "Bar" view's 'Split' option.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Grouping'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Relevant (but optional) when #type is SEQUENCE. An ID which uniquely identifies this grouping within the enclosing grid or table query. Not needed if this is the only SEQUENCE-of-measures or SEQUENCE-of-groupings. Can be a number or string.
Example: 123.45
Relevant (but optional) when #type is CONTEXTUALFROMSEQUENCE. Uniquely identifies the SEQUENCE grouping which this grouping reflects contextually; matches #id in the grouping of type SEQUENCE.Not needed if there is only one SEQUENCE-of-groupings.
Example: 123.45
Example: true
Example: 123.45
Example: true
Example: 123.45
The name of the output field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
Relevant for a 'grouped' table query. The list of functions to calculate for each group result, which aggregates data from all records in that group. Can be omitted if only group value combinations are required.
Aliases: measure
Describes how to roll up numeric/date data, thereby producing an additional aggregated column in the output.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Measure'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Optional filtering to apply to the source data before any other groupings or calculations.
Aliases: filters
Relevant when #type is FIELD_VALUE only. The name of the input field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
Aliases: field
Relevant when #type is FIELD_VALUE only. Default EQUALS. Note that operators such as ">=" implicitly exclude NULL values.
Relevant when #type is FIELD_VALUE only. The value to compare against, or for #operator IN, an array of values. Can be null for "EQUALS null" rule, or an array containing null for "IN (..., null, ...)" rule. Note that (e.g.) EQUALS(42) will match only 42 and will implicitly exclude all nulls; likewise NOT(EQUALS(42)) will match only 'not 42' so will implicitly include nulls and all other numbers. ValueRange objects can be used here to provide minumum and maximum bounds. Long values greater than 2^53 can be written as String to maintain precision.
Aliases: values
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Lower bound of range - inclusive
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Upper bound of range - exclusive
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Relevant when #type is AND, OR or NOT. The nested filters to combine in an AND or OR rule (can be empty for FULL or NONE selections respectively), or a single nested filter for a NOT rule.
Aliases: filter
Describes a single constraint (or a group of constraints with logical combination), equivalent to an SQL WHERE clause item.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Filter'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Optional sort that is applied to the resulting rows. Sort happens after fields, or groupings and measures, have been calculated, and will disrupt the natural order of groupings in a multi-grouping query. You can sort by any field(s) in the output.
Aliases: sort
Describes an output field to sort all rows by, irrespective of groupings. The field can contain raw, grouping or measure data.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableSort'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Specify your sort by providing the input field name. If there are duplicates, the first is chosen.
Aliases: sourceField
The direction to sort in. Default ASCENDING.
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Optional range restriction, applied after sorting the output. Allows you to limit or page through the data. Some implementations may perform poorly when using this over large results.
No Additional PropertiesThe first row to retrieve, counting from zero. Defaults to zero if unspecified.
Example: 123.45
Aliases: offset
The number of rows to retrieve. Unbounded if unspecified. It must be a positive integer, or null.
Example: 123.45
Aliases: size
The list of formula variable values that are available for use within formula measures.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The unique name of the variable. Note this is case insensitive unique and must not conflict with any field names.
The variable value, of any type corresponding to {@link VariableDataType}; can be null.
Example: true
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
The explicit data type of this variable. This is mandatory if value is null, because it cannot be inferred.
Example: true
Example: true
The single input to this operation. Optional. For example, a SimpleQuery.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Response body for the /table endpoints.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableQueryOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Metadata about each output column.
Same definition as QueryApi.SchemaFieldsQueryOutputOutput data table containing the resulting data rows and columns. A 2d array indexed [row][column]. Cells are data values (numbers, dates, strings) or ValueRanges (in group columns for histogram groupings).
No Additional ItemsExample: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Diagnostics associated with a query api request
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableQueryDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Describes a single layer within a query for mapping fields to include in the result. Field order in output will be: (1) mapping fields; (2) other input fields, if includeAllInputFields=true
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FieldMappingOperation'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of field mappings to include in the result. They are applied in order as defined.
No Additional ItemsDescribes a mapping for an input field to its new name and other properties
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FieldMapping'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The name of the output field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
The name of the input field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
A literal value to repeat in every cell for this field.
The expression to be evaluated on the (input) record (as a Filter or FormulaExpression). If a boolean expression (as a Filter), the result will be "true", or "false" accordingly.
Describes a single constraint (or a group of constraints with logical combination), equivalent to an SQL WHERE clause item.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Filter'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Encapsulates a formula for a FieldMapping
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaExpression'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
Set a custom order to be applied when sorting by the field.
Values not present in this list, but present in the data will be set after any of the specified value following the natural order.
Values present in this list, but not present in the data will be ignored.
If a custom order is already defined for this field, This will take precedence.If null, the natural order will be applied when sorting by the output field (if no custom order already exists for the field).
Custom order cannot be defined on range fields.
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
The formatting options for the output field.
If not null, this will override any any existing formatting options associated to the field.
Formatting options will be propagated troughout the query dag, and they will instruct the client o how o format the field value.
Describes a numeric values should be formatted for a field
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.NumericFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Describes how date values should be formatted
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DateFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
If false (default) it will only include the fields defined in the mappings. If true it will include all input fields not otherwise selected. The field order will be preserved and fields will be added after any mapping. If any input field omitted from mappings conflicts with a new field added with the same name, it will be invalid.
Example: true
Example: true
The list of formula variable values that are available for use within formula fields.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The single input to this operation. Optional. For example, a SimpleQuery.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes the innermost layer within a query representing all data in an indexed source.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.IndexedSource'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
The list of variable values used to customise the source.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes a single layer within a query for sorting records in an input. Field order in output will be identical to the input.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SortOperation'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Sorting applied to the records.
Aliases: sort
Describes an output field to sort all rows by, irrespective of groupings. The field can contain raw, grouping or measure data.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableSort'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The single input to this operation. Optional. For example, a SimpleQuery.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes a single layer within a query for filtering records in an input. Field order in output will be identical to the input.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.RecordFilterOperation'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Filtering applied to the records.
Aliases: filters
The single input to this operation. Optional. For example, a SimpleQuery.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes the innermost layer within a query representing all data in the default source.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DefaultSource'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of variable values used to customise the source.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes the innermost layer within a query representing all data in a named source.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.NamedSource'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of variable values used to customise the source.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes a single layer within a query for appending multiple inputs. Field order in output will be: (1) source field, if relevant; (2) field names from first input; (3) field names from second input not already present; ...
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.AppendOperation'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Name of the optional source field. If populated the cells values will be populated 0, 1, 2, .... depending on which input table the record come from
The inputs into this operation. For example, each might be a SimpleQuery.
No Additional ItemsA comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes a single layer within a query for joining two inputs into one. Field order in output will be: (1) source field (if any); (2) common fields in criteria; (3) left fields not in criteria; (4) right fields not in criteria.If right fields non in criteria have the same name as a left field non in criteria, right fields will be renamed with the original name followed by a space and integer number (e.g., 'A', 'A 2', 'A 3' (if 'A 2' is already a left field)).
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.JoinOperation'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The left input to the join. For example, a SimpleQuery.
The right input to the join. For example, a SimpleQuery.
The list of criteria to apply.
No Additional ItemsDescribes a join criteria. Fields joined must be of the same type, and in case of ranges they must be associated with the same range type, and interval
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.JoinCriteria'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The left field of a join.
The right field of a join.
Include left input mismatches in the result. False by default
Example: true
Include matches in the result. True by default
Example: true
Include right input mismatches in the result. False by default
Example: true
Name of the optional source field. If populated, this will be a new field whose values indicate the table where records come from.
If the values of the criteria fields are only present in the left input, this will be set to Left
If the values of the criteria fields are only present in the right input this will be set to Right
If the values of the criteria fields are present in both left and right input this will be set to Left, Right
The field must be named in a way that it does not collide with any of the output fields.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes the innermost layer within a query representing a literal json-supplied source data table.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.InlineDataSource'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Response body for the /table endpoints.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableQueryOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of variable values used to customise the source.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes a single layer within a query for aggregating an input. Field order in output will be: (1) grouping fields; (2) measure fields
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.AggregateOperation'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of groupings to apply to the input, zero/missing meaning roll-up to a single record.
Aliases: grouping
Describes a single level/tier of grouping, similar an SQL GROUP BY condition or Omniscope "Bar" view's 'Split' option.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Grouping'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of functions to calculate for each group result, which aggregates data from all records in that group. Can be omitted if only group value combinations are required.
Aliases: measure
Describes how to roll up numeric/date data, thereby producing an additional aggregated column in the output.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Measure'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of formula variable values that are available for use within formula measures.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The single input to this operation. Optional. For example, a SimpleQuery.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes a single layer within a query for restricting the records in an input based upon their row index. Field order in output will be identical to the input.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.RangeOperation'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The single input to this operation. Optional. For example, a SimpleQuery.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Request body for the /grid endpoints. Defines the configuration of an n-dimensional grid of data (e.g. x and y axes).
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.GridQueryInput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The single input to this operation.
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Describes up to 3 axes in the grid, with a series of grouping values (or permutations for multiple tiers of groupings) creating grid columns/rows. Allows null entries, which are equivalent to a no-groupings axis (single row/column). No axes means a single cell. Typically two axes (y, x) resulting in 2-dimensional grid data organised [row][column].
No Additional ItemsConfigures one axis in a grid query.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.GridAxisInput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The tiers to group by, or null/empty to have a single summary/totals row/column (fully rolled-up).
Aliases: grouping
Describes a single level/tier of grouping, similar an SQL GROUP BY condition or Omniscope "Bar" view's 'Split' option.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.AxisGrouping'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Optionally describes a sort order for this grouping. Overrides any grid-wide axis sort directive.
No Additional PropertiesThe direction to sort in. Default ASCENDING.
The name of the output field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
If left unspecified a default name will be assigned as the name of the input field followed by the name of the function between parenthesis. It is a good practice to not, rely on this automatic name generation but use an explicit name where necessary
Relevant when #function is a field-specific function such as SUM, MIN, MEAN. The name of the input field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
Aliases: field
Relevant when #function is {@link MeasureFunction#MEAN} to specify a weighted mean.
The aggregation function to roll up a series of values.
Must be populated if and only if the function is PERCENTILE. If populated its value must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
+The result of the measure will be the value of the field below which a this percentage of values will fall.
For example, if set to 20, the result of the measure will be the value below which 20% of the field values are found
Example: 123.45
Relevant (but optional) when #function is CONTEXTUALFROMSEQUENCE. Uniquely identifies the SEQUENCE measure which this measure reflects contextually; matches #id in the grouping of type SEQUENCE.Not needed if there is only one SEQUENCE-of-measures.
Example: 123.45
Relevant when #function is FORMULA only. The formula itself, such as SUBSET_SUM([a]) / SUBSET_MEAN([b])
Example: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.MeasureLabelOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Same definition as labelOptionsDescribes a numeric values should be formatted for a field
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.NumericFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Describes how date values should be formatted
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DateFieldFormattingOptions'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
If true, an additional summary column/row will be included with the measure result for the entire group (for SUM measures this will be the totals). A summary column/row will appear after all group columns/rows. The header cell will be a AllMarker. The data cells will be normal data cells.
Example: true
The name of the input field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
Aliases: field
The method for bucketing/grouping the data. UNIQUE_VALUES is comparable to GROUP BY in SQL.
Relevant when #type is HISTOGRAM and #inputField is a date type.
If the input field has some formatting options, these will be amended to drop no longer significant sections.
If the input field does not have formatting options, a new date formatting will be introduced with pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'
dropped to the unit specified.
For example, if the input field does not have a formatting and we are grouping by hour, the
output field will have a date formatting options with pattern dd/MM/yyyy HH
Required when #type is HISTOGRAM. The width of each histogram interval. For DATE fields, must be integer and also factors of 60 (for minutes/seconds), 24 (hours), 12 (months), precisely 1 (days), or any integer (years).
Example: 123.45
Relevant and mandatory when #type is SEQUENCE. The list of configurations that this grouping is a sequence of. Can contain either exclusively Measures or exclusively Groupings, not a mix.
No Additional ItemsDescribes how to roll up numeric/date data, thereby producing an additional aggregated column in the output.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Measure'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Describes a single level/tier of grouping, similar an SQL GROUP BY condition or Omniscope "Bar" view's 'Split' option.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.Grouping'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Relevant (but optional) when #type is SEQUENCE. An ID which uniquely identifies this grouping within the enclosing grid or table query. Not needed if this is the only SEQUENCE-of-measures or SEQUENCE-of-groupings. Can be a number or string.
Example: 123.45
Relevant (but optional) when #type is CONTEXTUALFROMSEQUENCE. Uniquely identifies the SEQUENCE grouping which this grouping reflects contextually; matches #id in the grouping of type SEQUENCE.Not needed if there is only one SEQUENCE-of-groupings.
Example: 123.45
Example: true
Example: 123.45
Example: true
Example: 123.45
The name of the output field. Field names are case insensitive but preserving, and cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.
If specified, difference columns/rows are included for every adajcent pair of final-tier grouping values. The header cell will be a DifferenceMarker. The data cells will be a DifferenceCell, or null.
No Additional PropertiesIf specified, sort other axes by this axis (typically by values of a specific column/row in this axis).
No Additional PropertiesExample: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Stores a difference header cell marking a difference column/row.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DifferenceMarker'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Marker that indicates the 'All' value when totals are included in a grouping, e.g. for grid total rows/columns
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.AllMarker'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Always present, always true
Example: true
The direction to sort in. Default ASCENDING.
The cell query to sort by.
Optionally restricts the data retrieved to a range 'window'. The range indexes refer to the 'flattened grid', i.e. rows or columns generated by combinations of grouping values in the respective axis.
Same definition as rangeIf true, show the axis header title when exporting data. Typically the name of the grouping.
Example: true
Optionally describes queries to execute for each grid cell retrieved in a Grid Data request. Each query can refer to measure function SERIES_MEASURE which can be defined in the cell query itself or in the grid axes.Respective cell data results will be returned in the output. Each cell query will be executed against the data subset obtained by the intersection of grid axis values.
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Request body for the /table endpoints. Field order in output will be identical to 'fields' if specified, otherwise respective to 'groupings' then 'measures'.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SimpleQuery'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The list of formula variable values that are available for use within formula measures.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Response body for the /grid endpoints. Contains axes outputs and cell query results.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.GridQueryOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Contains metadata and headers for the X axis of the grid
No Additional ItemsOutput metadata for one axis of a grid query.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.GridAxisOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The size of the grid in this axis (flattened).
Populated when GridQueryInput.requestType is 'COMBINED' or 'SIZE' only.
Example: 123.45
The headers for the grid in this respective axis.
Each top-level index represents an index into the output grid, and contains a nested array containing the labels for groupings.
If you only have a single grouping, the nested arrays will all contain only 1 label, such as [["a"],["b"],["c"]].
If you have no groupings, this will be [["All"]].
Labels are data values (numbers, dates, strings) or HistogramBuckets.
Populated when GridQueryInput.requestType is 'COMBINED' or 'DATA' only.
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Stores a difference header cell marking a difference column/row.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DifferenceMarker'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Marker that indicates the 'All' value when totals are included in a grouping, e.g. for grid total rows/columns
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.AllMarker'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Describes a single field in the source data.
An array of these objects forms the response body for the /schema/fields endpoint.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SchemaField'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Contains the schema for each cell query, describing the fields (columns) returned in each cell query's result table. This is the same for every pane cell, so is here instead of being replicated.
Each entry in this map is respective to GridQueryInput.cellQueries (i.e. the same string keys are present). Each value is the equivalent to TableQueryOutput.schema.
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Describes the schema (field names and data types) of a table query source or result table.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.SchemaFieldsQueryOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Contains cell data for the grid.
Each 'cell' is enclosed in a multi-dimensional array respective to axes in the input. The index for each axis is in the 'flattened grid', i.e. representing combinations of groupings for that axis, and is offset according to the axis range criteria, if specified.
Each 'cell' contains the map of result data respective to GridQueryInput.cellQueries, each query result being the equivalent to TableQueryOutput.records, i.e. a 2d array of [rows][columns]. However the entire cell will be null if paning is active but no data is present at that grid coordinate.
But if paning is inactive (no axes configured), a singleton pane cell will always be non-null (populated with query results).
For example:
This retrieves the cell at coords (a1, a2) from the grid, then looks up the table results for the cell query named "split", then retrieves a value from that table at (column, row).Note that if there are no axes, this will be the cell query results for the implicit single cell, and if there is also no data, this will be null/undefined.
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Stores a difference cell containing the difference result for two adjacent value cells.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DifferenceCell'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
Example: 123.45
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Stores a difference cell containing the difference result for two adjacent value cells.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DifferenceCell'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Stores a difference cell containing the difference result for two adjacent value cells.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DifferenceCell'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Example: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Stores lower and upper bound values of a range.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.ValueRange'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Stores a difference cell containing the difference result for two adjacent value cells.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.DifferenceCell'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Diagnostics associated with a query api request
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.HigherOrderApiQueryDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Diagnostics associated with a query api request
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.TableQueryDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Example: 123.45
An identifier for the query used to track diagnostics on the server side
If the query has been executed as part of a composite query, it's the queryTag of the composite query. Null otherwise.
For example, the parentQueryTag of a table api request executed as part of a Batch request, would be the queryTag
of the batch query.
A brief description of why the query was executed
Request body for the /formula endpoint. Defines the configuration of a formula expression evaluation request.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaQueryInput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The single input to this operation. Optional. For example, a SimpleQuery.
The formulas to evaluate. This should be in the Omniscope formula syntax, which is similar to Excel formulae, with field references in [square brackets], e.g. SUBSET_SUM([a]) / 3. See for a list of Omniscope formula functions, however not all are supported here. Note, unlike classic, zero-arg function names must always be followed by brackets, e.g. RAND().
No Additional ItemsThe list of formula variable values that are available for use within the formula.
No Additional ItemsA formula variable's current value, for a FieldMappingOperation
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaVariable'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
A comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Response body for the /formula endpoint. Contains the formula result or parse/validate/evaluation error.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaQueryOutput'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The formula result. Can be a String, number, Date or boolean.
No Additional ItemsExample: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
Example: true
Description of a single formula parse/prepare/eval error, for any endpoint that uses formulas.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FormulaError'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The user-displayable error message, with prefix+context+formula
The formula which was attempted, if knon
A prefix which classifies the type of error. Can be null.
The user-displayable error message, without context. If null, display #message.
The offset into the formula string, of the end of the part where the error relates to, if known
Example: 123.45
The offset into the formula string, of the start of the part where the error relates to, if known
Example: 123.45
Diagnostics associated with a query api request
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.HigherOrderApiQueryDiagnostics'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Request body for the /edit endpoint. A batch of edits to apply in a specific sequence
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.EditSequence'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The sequence of edits. Must be applied in given sequence.
No Additional ItemsA comment string associated to the query. A comment will have no effect on the query result and it is meant a human readable explanation of what the query purpose is.
Response body for the /edit endpoint. Result of an edit API call
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.EditResult'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Optional warning that was emitted when edits were executed.
Edits to cell values in a sequence of rows, identified by a raw (possibly filtered) query result row index.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.CellEditsByRow'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
One or more blocks or cells that were edited
No Additional ItemsA single rectangular block of edits in a table, possibly just a single cell
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.EditBlock'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
0-based index into the results of querying raw data given [filter]. If null, all rows (subject to [filter]) are being edited.
No Additional ItemsExample: 123.45
The field names being edited.
No Additional ItemsThe updated cell values by field. This is a 'columnar' structure, indexed as values[fieldOffset][rowOffset]
No Additional ItemsExample: 123.45
Example: "1997-07-16", "1997-07-16T19:20:30Z" or "1997-07-16T19:20:30.452Z", always in UTC
The base query against which the edits are made.
Adds/inserts a new field
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FieldEditsAdd'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Name of field to add.
Data type of field to add. Default is text.
Field name of optional insert point. You can specify before or after (or neither, to append), never both.
Field name of optional insert point. You can specify before or after (or neither, to append), never both.
The base query against which the edits are made.
Deletes field(s).
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FieldEditsDelete'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The existing field name(s) to delete.
No Additional ItemsThe base query against which the edits are made.
Renames a field.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FieldEditsRename'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The old name (existing field name).
The new name (must not exist).
The base query against which the edits are made.
Changes the natural order of fields in the table.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FieldEditsReorder'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The new order of field names. If any are missing, they will appear after.
No Additional ItemsThe base query against which the edits are made.
Updates an existing field (changes type).
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.FieldEditsUpdate'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Name of existing field.
New type of field.
The format used when converting to dates.
Force update, ignoring any conversion warnings.
Example: true
The base query against which the edits are made.
Adds/inserts new blank row(s)
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.RowEditsAdd'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
The number of rows to add.
Example: 123.45
Row index in query of optional insert point. You can specify before or after (or neither, to append), never both.
Example: 123.45
Row index in query of optional insert point. You can specify before or after (or neither, to append), never both.
Example: 123.45
The base query against which the edits are made.
Deletes one or more rows.
<a target='_blank' href='../schema-example.json?typeId=QueryApi.RowEditsDelete'>Auto-generated example JSON</a>
Row indexes in query result to delete. Each item in the list assumes no prior items have yet been deleted.
No Additional ItemsExample: 123.45
The base query against which the edits are made.